Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Well I hope that works out.

My dear new friend Sharon is having roommate troubles. I definitely know what that is like: it was a big chunk of my life last semester. She was knocking on my bedroom door, and I thought it was my other roommate, Amanda, who was the only other one home. I say, "you can come in" and the door opens to Sharon. She says that her roommates are ignoring her and she feels like she is "swimming in the drama." I told her I know exactly what she means, and that I lived like that last semester. I have another open bed in my room, so I said, "If you need to move out, I can make room for you", and she had the face of a person that had never been so relieved. She said, "really?" and I made her feel welcome, and told her that it'd be a little hard, cuz I liked the space that I had, but I could make room for her, and it wouldn't be too hard, because I did share with someone last semester (plus, this would probably help me get to bed earlier...haha, I tend to just stay up reading until like 2:30 a.m. nearly every night). So I emailed, per Sharon's request, our head resident, Mayerling, and told her that I am willing to let Sharon in, and help with smoothing things over. I know her roommates, and I can talk to them, so I told her that I would also be willing to talk to her roommates to help resolve this problem, if possible. :s I'm worried for Sharon. kthnxbye.

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