Thursday, July 21, 2011


well, update suuuuuuuuuuuuper fast! i'm freaking starving! and i want chocolate.

so. I leave this lovely University in this tiny town called Rexburg, Idaho on Saturday. I need a storage unit and i'm positive i'm gonna be able to get a nice cheap one. I'm leaving and going to arrive at my destination (if i decide to reveal at a later date, that will be in private, my location is not going to be public, so nice try creepers) probably Sunday early evening/afternoon. I will say,though, I will be a Utah-an if i continue to live in this location for many a time. For now, i've got a hecka lot of packin to do. :P

This is for you sydmister! ;]

Link coming up next! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hecka? You're halfway to being a Utahan anyways! Also, I doubt that of the three people that follow your blog we're going to creep on you :)
