Sunday, July 31, 2011

Update from Utah!!:)

So I'm finally here! I've been here for about a week now...basically what I've done...hmmm...chill with my cousins Katy and Jake, and of course my loverly aunt Rene, and Jake's friends that are here almost every day. They all make fun of my accent! :( they're like, "Wait-- you're from Wisconsin, I mean WisCANsin? hahaha!" and I'm just like,"Shut. Up." And I occaisionally throw pillow's at their faces...specifically this one kid Bryant. Oh, and did I mention the CATS?! And that I'm allergic to cats?! They have FIVE! Holyyyy cowww! The other day, my cousin Katy was holding one of them, and I just went to softly pet it for a bit, and she freaked out! I was like, "It's fine! haha." Then a couple nights ago, I decided to sleep on the living room couch...bad idea. The next morning I woke up with wickedly irritable red eyes, and I'm such a wimp/retard that I couldn't even put in my own eye drops, so I go up to my Aunt Rene, and I'm like..."ehem...Do you mind doing these for me?...haha..." Oh, and yesterday, I took a bike ride. Best. Bikeride. Ever!! I could see the temple here EVERYWHERE! It was so awesome! :))) So that's it for now. [: I love my new life in Manti. I'll probably put up pictures soon...when I pick it up from Rene's parent's...ya I'm really lame haha.


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