Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Twenty, baby!

AND I'M DYING! I mean- not literally just mannnn! Jared told me that he was getting me a present for my birthday (fantastic. I'm broke and his birthday is coming up on the 1st of next month! Man, I'd be a lame friend if he gets me something totally awesome, and I just give him nothing!) And he said that it was coming in the mail soon. But he's not sure when he's going to get it because he said that it is suppose to come out today. So what in the heck is it? I keep thinking movies, or tv shows, or something, oh and cd's. But I really cannot think of anything! And I can't help but justify cheating concerning my googling, bcuz my birthday has already come and gone! hahaha...but twenty doesn't feel very different. It is nice to say, though, that I'm no longer a teenager. Because Jared use to be able to tease the CRAP outta me because of the fact that I was 19. Ah. I'm twenty. Take that, suckers! :D Thank goodness Sydney didn't put anything embarrassing on my wall, like a Justin Bieber video of him singing happy birthday...lol. It's good to be twenty. :) ...still kinda killing me. I WANNA FREAKING KNOW! la paciencia es una virtud. ~erinnnn

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