Wednesday, March 31, 2010

St George Countdown!...

Three Days! I'm so freaking exited!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

St. George Countdown...

Five Days after today!!!...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Emmy lomo age six

This is the picture of Emmy at six, with a lomo effect on it. I thought it might look cool. The eyes were really dark, so I lightened them with a dodge tool. It looks pretty cool... I guess...:)

Emmy lomo...

So this is the lomo foto before I played with the hues and saturations, really. :)

Emmy lomo...9th bday pic

This picture is really grainy, because I didn't really take that much time to take this picture, and had it on the general setting, so it turned out really grainy. But I did the lomo effect and then I played with the hue and saturation of the foto to make Emma pop. I like how it turned out overall, I just wish that I could have taken some more time to take the foto so it wouldn't be so grainy. But what's done is done. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emmy in the sun

This is the picture that I took of Emma last Wednesday. It looks awesome so far, and it's for the first half of my final project for digital foto. I think it's coming along really well. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More Gavin notes on new photoshop fun stuff...great

Okay, is my personal blog my new "Gavin's Photoshop Tutorials" virtual notebook? Seriously. This time I'm taking notes on "Beams of sun light" tutorial...hopefully not as long as last time, but who knows? I can't afford to waste time tonight...Biggest Loser! :)
1)Find location of where you want the sun beam to come from.
2)Create new blank are just working with the new layer now
3)Check colors: should be black and white
5)Filter>Blur>Radial Blur (for starburst effect...if that is not desired, and just straight lines is, then use motion blur)
a) Blur Method: Zoom
b)Quality: Good
d)Blur Center: center to where the sunbeam should be in relation to the picture
6)Filter>Radial Blur (top option)
7)Image>Adjustment>Levels...bring left and right arrows towards the center arrow
8)Now we're going to change the layer blend mode...e.g. Overlay, Vivid Light, Linear light,etc. (under Layers on right of image)
9)Screen, or overlay, or soft light; it really just depends on the picture.
10)Create a layer mask by going down by the little fx at the bottom, the icon to the right of it, with the square and the white circle in the middle
11)On layer mask, do paintbrush, and make the paintbrush black and large, and it would appear that the layer is being "erased" when the original picture is returning. (Opacity: 100%)
12)Lower Opacity--really low-- and soften edges of beams, so it's not so "sudden" ( I guess would be the right wordingish)
13)Create a new empty layer
14)White=Foreground (Front) color
15)Paintbrush...soft white spots on the beam
a)Can change opacity level (lower) on paintbrush and continue painting
16)Can change layer blend mode to overlay to make the white really "pop"
a)Really is an option
17)Paint reflections in lightly with a smaller paintbrush
a)If they're not quite the right size...Edit>"Free Transform..." shrink, expand, whatevs
b)If they're not quite the right shape(they probably won't be)...Filter>Blur>Motion Blur;
i. Angle: Line it up the way that your reflections are
ii. Distance: The more the distance, the more blurry it'll be...better
c) Drop opacity~ you should be able to tell what looks realistic.
d)Level blend mode to overlay...option again
Well, only one post, and I'M DONE! and only on number 17! Wow! (Yes, it's besides the fact that there were a,b,c's and i, and ii's. YAY!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Emmy Pretty adorable

This is a picture of my little sister, Emma on Saint Patty's day wearing a green dress. The lighting was awesome! I luv it. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gavin Notes still...ugh!

where was I? like number 18 I think.
Recap: bottom image (background) not previewed (no eye)...Working in the hand still... mask of hand with background un selected but previewed (eye). ¡Que Bueno!
18)Working in the background now, actually: eye, but hand still selected...oh no, making a new layer, and putting it in between hand and background.
***MAN! this is taking 4EVAH! but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. one minute of the tutorial left. PHEW!
19)Fill new layer with white...should be foreground color.
20)huge eraser and erase the white
21) "Finally [you're telling me, Gavin...i'm the one taking the notes] working on the bottom flag" Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur (man he really likes this blurring business)... arrow right below the space between text box w/ # and word "pixels"
22) Edit>Free Transform>Un-center flag...for that intrigante look

Gavin Notes~ Wrap a texture on an object

1)Take pattern out of background of the object.
2)Drag object onto background.
3)Line up object on how you want it in the end...RIGHT AWAY! (rotate, etc.)
4) Filter>Distort>"Displace..." ok> cancel
5)Un-select are working with just the hand now
6) Image>Adjustment>Desaturate
7) Image>Adjustment>Levels; arrows on the bottom of the black "Input Levels" image; you're trying to get really dark blacks and really light whites and no "ok"
8)Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur; radius 5-10 pixels...not too sharp~final distorted image will be a bit "jaggedy" ~9ish
9)Ctrl+Shift+S save as .psd...DON'T CLOSE!!!!
10)Undo until just basic black and white.
11) Duplicate background and move to top; click little eye on.
12) Filter>Distort>"Displace..." first two little boxes in pop-up: 25... ok>put in pic of hand that was being editted from the background is distorted.
13)select object (after un-clicking eye on background) with magic wand...or whatever works best
14)Play with level adjustments: overlay, whatevs
15)Drop opacity on the background/hand object...75ish%
16)Select background image and not mask...Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, few pixels (like threeish)
17)Select hand layer (second from top)...Image>Levels... contrast with darker image all over... next document.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Emmy at age

I loved this photo of Emma for Father's Day 2005, and I cropped it and played with the hues and saturations of the picture and now it's just adorable. However, I cannot take credit for taking the foto. My mom did an awesome job of taking this picture of Emmy. It's so adorable! I love the lighting! It was absolutely perfect.

Monday, March 15, 2010

IB Spanish Presentation

I DID IT!!!!!....but I don't know how I did. I have a mostly-good feeling, though.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Bday Emma

This is what I did today for digital photo. Sorry, Emma, your birthday present is a little late because I was going to work on it at school, and I left it at home. It'll be done tomorrow. Happy B-day, Emmy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Game

I just lost the game. Your welcome, world.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Daily Klumsiness

Okay. So today, I was walking up the stairs in my school after I said by to my sister, and I got to the top step and I tripped on the step and fell with my face inches from the ground. Some people were laughing, but I couldn't help but laugh with them. lol rotf. After that, I dropped my stuff off at my locker, then went up to my friends and told them that today was going to be a very interesting day because I tripped up the stairs. :) So far, today actually hasn't been very interesting, but I've been watching where I walk. Flashback to first term showcase when I slipped on the floor with my slippery Cooney-cheerleader socks. lol. Good times, good times. I love my life.

Savannah's Portrait

I really liked the way this picture turned out, plus I wanted Savannah to see it, and I only remember this blog's url, so I wanted to share it for the world to see!...or just my followers and stockers...yes, you Sydney. lol. I made this two layers and blurred it all over, then erased her on one layer, really making her pop out on the picture. I think my favorite descriptive/verb word is "pop."lol. So yeah. I hope you like the picture, Savannah! :)

John, the Monkey Boy!

This one is one of my best pictures I feel. The picture really keeps your eye moving all over the place in an orderly way, and I really love the colors on this picture. Plus, my brother was being a pain in the butt because it was almost his bedtime and he wasn't smiling a lot; this was one of his good smiling pictures. However, on my camera, his left eye has a red eye, but that didn't show up at all on the computer, which made me happy. I know that there is an obvious flash, but I like it because it draws your eye to his face and his eyes too. I think I could have done a better job with editting his eyes, but thats done and overwith. I still love the picture. :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Closer Than They Seem

Okay, so I admit it. I was trying something cool in I am officially a "Photoshop Freak" with a capital F. This picture I took on County C in the fall in Delafield because I wanted to get my friend to look like she was in the mirror...which didn't really work out. So I just went into Photoshop today, and I editted it, and it doesn't look real, but now there is a new meaning to it: things in the mirror are closer than they seem: your friends may seem a bit distant, but they really are right there when u need them. It's a little cheesy, but hey, that's me! :) I think it looks really cool.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

BYU Idaho Track

So, I got a letter in the mail yesterday from BYU I, and it said that I will be following the winter-spring track. So I am starting college on January 4, 2011. It's gonna be weird, but that means that I can have a longer-term job before I go up to Idaho. :) More money! go to college, that will be used very quickly. :( Whatevs.