Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More Gavin notes on new photoshop fun stuff...great

Okay, is my personal blog my new "Gavin's Photoshop Tutorials" virtual notebook? Seriously. This time I'm taking notes on "Beams of sun light" tutorial...hopefully not as long as last time, but who knows? I can't afford to waste time tonight...Biggest Loser! :)
1)Find location of where you want the sun beam to come from.
2)Create new blank layer...you are just working with the new layer now
3)Check colors: should be black and white
5)Filter>Blur>Radial Blur (for starburst effect...if that is not desired, and just straight lines is, then use motion blur)
a) Blur Method: Zoom
b)Quality: Good
d)Blur Center: center to where the sunbeam should be in relation to the picture
6)Filter>Radial Blur (top option)
7)Image>Adjustment>Levels...bring left and right arrows towards the center arrow
8)Now we're going to change the layer blend mode...e.g. Overlay, Vivid Light, Linear light,etc. (under Layers on right of image)
9)Screen, or overlay, or soft light; it really just depends on the picture.
10)Create a layer mask by going down by the little fx at the bottom, the icon to the right of it, with the square and the white circle in the middle
11)On layer mask, do paintbrush, and make the paintbrush black and large, and it would appear that the layer is being "erased" when the original picture is returning. (Opacity: 100%)
12)Lower Opacity--really low-- and soften edges of beams, so it's not so "sudden" ( I guess would be the right wordingish)
13)Create a new empty layer
14)White=Foreground (Front) color
15)Paintbrush...soft white spots on the beam
a)Can change opacity level (lower) on paintbrush and continue painting
16)Can change layer blend mode to overlay to make the white really "pop"
a)Really is an option
17)Paint reflections in lightly with a smaller paintbrush
a)If they're not quite the right size...Edit>"Free Transform..." shrink, expand, whatevs
b)If they're not quite the right shape(they probably won't be)...Filter>Blur>Motion Blur;
i. Angle: Line it up the way that your reflections are
ii. Distance: The more the distance, the more blurry it'll be...better
c) Drop opacity~ you should be able to tell what looks realistic.
d)Level blend mode to overlay...option again
Well, only one post, and I'M DONE! and only on number 17! Wow! (Yes, it's besides the fact that there were a,b,c's and i, and ii's. YAY!

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