Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gavin Notes still...ugh!

where was I? like number 18 I think.
Recap: bottom image (background) not previewed (no eye)...Working in the hand still... mask of hand with background un selected but previewed (eye). ¡Que Bueno!
18)Working in the background now, actually: eye, but hand still selected...oh no, making a new layer, and putting it in between hand and background.
***MAN! this is taking 4EVAH! but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. one minute of the tutorial left. PHEW!
19)Fill new layer with white...should be foreground color.
20)huge eraser and erase the white
21) "Finally [you're telling me, Gavin...i'm the one taking the notes] working on the bottom flag" Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur (man he really likes this blurring business)... arrow right below the space between text box w/ # and word "pixels"
22) Edit>Free Transform>Un-center flag...for that intrigante look

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