Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gavin Notes~ Wrap a texture on an object

1)Take pattern out of background of the object.
2)Drag object onto background.
3)Line up object on how you want it in the end...RIGHT AWAY! (rotate, etc.)
4) Filter>Distort>"Displace..." ok> cancel
5)Un-select are working with just the hand now
6) Image>Adjustment>Desaturate
7) Image>Adjustment>Levels; arrows on the bottom of the black "Input Levels" image; you're trying to get really dark blacks and really light whites and no "ok"
8)Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur; radius 5-10 pixels...not too sharp~final distorted image will be a bit "jaggedy" ~9ish
9)Ctrl+Shift+S save as .psd...DON'T CLOSE!!!!
10)Undo until just basic black and white.
11) Duplicate background and move to top; click little eye on.
12) Filter>Distort>"Displace..." first two little boxes in pop-up: 25... ok>put in pic of hand that was being editted from the background is distorted.
13)select object (after un-clicking eye on background) with magic wand...or whatever works best
14)Play with level adjustments: overlay, whatevs
15)Drop opacity on the background/hand object...75ish%
16)Select background image and not mask...Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, few pixels (like threeish)
17)Select hand layer (second from top)...Image>Levels... contrast with darker image all over... next document.

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